


威尼斯人app下载工程管理研究生学位课程是专门的 designed for engineers, scientists, and technologists holding a bachelor’s 学位 在各自的领域中寻求所需的知识和实践技能 领导项目团队和组织应对当今竞争激烈和快速变化的环境 商业环境. Our focus is to provide students with a challenging experience 这为他们为下一个工程开发和阐明一个商业案例做好了准备 or technology design and development project and lead their team and organization 为了一个成功的结果. 


What's the difference between an MEM and an MBA?


的se differences may be generally summarized as follows:

NMT工程管理硕士 通用MBA课程
学术方向:分析型 学术方向:概念性
Focus: Technical Innovation, Project Management 重点:战略问题
Target Audience: Engineers and Applied Scientists 目标受众:普通受众
Career Positioning: Project/Innovation Management Career Positioning:General/ Strategic Management
学时30 学时:36-48
独立项目 Independent Project Not Generally Required

MEM研究生课程的一个关键组成部分是其背后的理论基础 所有课程,使学生更好地理解假设,规则和风险 associated with making a management decision.  This theoretical exploration is different 从概念为导向的研究生教育发现在一般MBA课程 传统商学院.

其次,MEM项目与普通MBA项目的一个关键区别是 它在课程中提供了更大的深度,而不是广度,使学生能够 to get a firm understanding of the subject matter and its application.  第三, MEM课程的重点是与工程,科学, and technology organizations as they innovate and change. 这反映在 program’s focused coursework and the independent study requirement.

最后,许多MBA课程,部分是因为异质的背景和兴趣 他们的学生和教师,都是面向广度的,其中一个概念的方法 a wide variety of business and management situations defines the curriculum.

研究生 Certificate in Technology Leadership

技术领导研究生证书为科学提供了另一种选择, engineering, and technology professionals to update their knowledge and skills in leading teams and managing projects and organizations. 毕业证书是 an accelerated program designed for those professionals who may not be interested in working toward a master’s 学位 but who recognize the need to stay abreast of new approaches to managing and leading organizations in turbulent times.  


的 graduate certificate program requirements are as follows:

Specific course descriptions for all programs can be found in the university’s 课程目录.  

有关学位的进一步资料 & certificate program options and course advisement, 请联系博士. Frank Reinow, Associate Professor of Management at 弗兰克.reinow@pixelor.net or 575-835-5459.